Logi Dock Buttons

Video On/Off support

The Video On/Off button on Logi Dock will work whether you are using an integrated webcam, a webcam connected to Logi Dock, or a webcam connected directly to your computer.

For Zoom, when you plug/unplug your laptop from Logi Dock, you may lose the video on/off button. In order to get your button back to working, please Quit Zoom and restart.

In the case that two video calls are being taken at the same time, if you press Video On, only the active app will bring the video on, and the LED will be white.


One Click Join

The One Click Join button only works on the UC version. It does require Logi Tune with calendar integration be installed on your computer to function. For more information and to download Logi Tune, go here.


Logi Dock Mute Button is not functioning

Please ensure that you are using the Mute Button when you are in an active video call such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams.

Please ensure that Logi Dock is selected as your microphone audio device.


LED indicator lights when an audio device is used with Logi Dock

What is the difference between the UC and Microsoft Teams versions of Logi Dock?

Logi Dock UC version functionality with Microsoft Teams

If you have Logi Tune connected to your Microsoft calendar, your UC version will be able to One Click Join your Microsoft Teams meeting. You will be able to control your Video On/Offand Mute On/Off. There is no dedicated Microsoft Teams button for actions such as hand raising and opening Microsoft Teams.


Do Logi Dock Meeting Controls work with Chromebooks?

Meeting Controls do not work with Chromebooks. All other functions will perform as expected on Chromebooks with Logi Dock.

How do call buttons work with different UC platforms?

My call buttons don't work with Google Meet

Please go into settings in Google Meet

And add a “connected device”: Logi Dock. You will then see all buttons LED turning on.

Using Teams version of Logi Dock with another client when Teams is not present

If Logi Tune is present and linked to Outlook, Logi Tune will display the calendar events from Outlook and offer the ability to join by clicking on the Logi Tune event popup on the PC or MAC - but there is no 'One touch to Join' button feature on the Teams version of Logi Dock.  Teams sku (when used with Zoom as an example) only indicates the in-call LEDs once the meeting is joined.

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