4.6 Update Channels - Production (Teams)

Sync update channels provide a way for you to ensure your devices are getting the updates you want them to. Learn more about Sync update channels here.

The Production (Teams) update channel ensures that you will always be provided with the latest Microsoft Teams on Android and Teams Panels certified CollabOS releases for your devices. Learn more about the CollabOS Teams certification releases here.

To view the Production (Teams) channel simply click “Settings” under rooms, then “Update Channels” along the top. Here you can see the latest version of Teams certified CollabOS versions available for your devices.

To move your rooms onto the Production (Teams) channel you have a few options:

First, change individual channels at the room level. You can go into each room and change its channel as seen in the screenshot below.

Secondly, you can bulk move your rooms to the Production (Teams) channel from the inventory, as seen in thes screenshot below. 

Lastly, you can configure your whole group to be on the Production (Teams) channel under “Settings” seen in the screenshot below.

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