2.5 Local Network Access (LNA) Web Server Certificate support

Devices with CollabOS version 1.13 or above can now use the Web Certificate for Local Network Access. This feature allows customers to replace the original Logitech self-signed LNA Webserver certificate with their own certificate and private key.


  1. A CollabOS device running version 1.13.0 or higher

  2. Certificate requirements:

    1. A PKCS#8 RSA private key without password protection

    2. Both DER and PEM formats are acceptable for the certificate and key

  3. Local Network Access is necessary to upload the certificate

Step 1: Network Configuration

It is recommended to make sure that the CollabOS device is on a fixed IP address. Using LNA, go to Connectivity -> Network Connection, and expand the TCP/IP details, confirm that the Configuration is β€œStatic” (This can also be configured via your dhcp server, using a reservation or static lease)

Next make sure that the hostname is configured for the device. Go to About -> Device Info -> Hostname. Fill in the hostname for the device.

Using the Hostname and the IP Address of the CollabOS device, set up DNS on your local DNS server.

Step 2: Create the LNA Certificate

A certificate with a private key is needed for this step. At this point a certificate can be obtained from a public Certificate Authority but a self signed certificate will work as long as your browser has access to the Certificate Authority (CA) and the CA key is installed as a Trusted CA on the computer you are running the browser from.Β  A self signed certificate is the recommended approach as this is not a publicly accessible CollabOS device and will be on a local IP address. You can use either a host certificate, that is used for only one CollabOS device, or you can use a wildcard certificate. A wild card certificate would be suggested if setting up a large number of CollabOS devices.Β 

Option 1:

One approach for this is using the OpenSSL tool. For creating a self signed certificate using OpenSSL tool in Download from Link, The CA cert and key files will also be needed in the same directory as the certificates that are created.

  1. Generate a private key for the CollabOS device.

openssl genrsa -out VC-MTR1-Key.pem 4096

  1. Generate a certificate request using your local CA private key.

    openssl req -new -sha256 -subj "/CN=vc-mtr1" -key VC-MTR1-Key.pem -out VC-MTR1-Request.csr

  2. Create an extfile.cnf file that will have the host name and IP address of the CollabOS device.

  3. Create the Certificate

    openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 365 -in VC-MTR1-Request.csr -CA CA-Cert.pem -CAkey CA-key.pem -out VC-MTR1-Cert.pem -extfile extfile.cnf -CAcreateserial

  4. Enter the password for the CA key file:

The certificate and the key file will be in the working directory and ready to be uploaded to the CollabOS device.Β 

Option 2:

Another approach is using a Windows Certificate Authority, creating a template and issuing the certificate from the template. You will sign the certificate and import it so you can export it. The OpenSSL tool will still be used to isolate the private key.Β 

  1. On the Windows Server Certificate Authority, open the Certificate Templates MMC.

    1. Run: mmc

    2. Click File > Add/Remove Snap-in

    3. Double Click β€œCertificate Templates” snap-in and click β€œOK”

  2. Right-click on the Web Template> Duplicate

  3. On the β€œGeneral” tab fill in a Template Display Name β€œCollabOS LNA Certificate” and check the β€œValidity Period”, I have selected 5 years

  1. On the Request Handling Tab, check "Allow private key to be exported", then click "OK".

  1. Open the Certificate Authority management tool:

    1. Run: mmc

    2. Click "File", then "Add/Remove Snap-in"

    3. Double-click "Certificate Authority" snap-in

    4. Click "OK"

    5. Select "Local Computer"

    6. Click "Finish"

    7. Click "OK"

  2. Expand your server, right-click on the "Certificate Templates" folder, click "New", then "Certificate Template to Issue".

  3. Select β€œCollabOS LNA Certificate” and click β€œOK”

  4. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

    1. Run: β€œinetmgr”

    2. Click on your server

    3. Double click on β€œServer Certificates” in the middle pane

    4. Click on β€œCreate Certificate Request” on the right pane

    5. Enter the required organizational and server information in the Distinguished Name Properties dialog box, click Next

    6. Choose a Cryptographic service provider (CSP) and bit length, here we selected 4096

    7. Click β€œNext” 

    8. Name the request file (e.g., "CollabOS_Wildcard.txt") and save it to a secure location

  5. Submit the CSR to Microsoft Active Directory Certificate Services:

    1. Navigate your web browser toΒ  β€œhttp://<servername>/certsrv”

    2. Navigate to "http://<servername>/certsrv" in your web browser

    3. Click "Request a certificate"

    4. Click "Advanced certificate request"

    5. In the "Base-64-encoded" box, paste the entire contents of "CollabOS_Wildcard.txt", including the "BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST" and "END NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST" lines

    6. Set "Certificate Template" to "CollabOS LNA Certificate"

    7. In "Additional Attributes", add any desired SAN attributes (e.g., "san:dns=dns.name"

    8. Click β€œSubmit”

    9. Click on β€œDownload certificate”

    10. Save to a secure place.

    11. Install the Certificate on the local machine

    12. Double click on the certificate that you saved

    13. Click on β€œInstall Certificate”

    14. Click on β€œLocal Machine”

    15. Click β€œNext”

    16. Click β€œPlace all certificates in the following store”

    17. Click β€œBrowse”

    18. Select β€œPersonal” and click β€œOK”

    19. Click β€œNext” and click β€œFinish”

  6. Export the Certificate

    1. Run: mmc

    2. Click β€œFile”, then β€œAdd/Remove Snap-in”

    3. Double Click β€œCertificates” snap-in

    4. Select β€œComputer account”

    5. Click β€œNext”

    6. Select β€œLocal computer”

    7. Click β€œFinish”

    8. Click β€œOK”

    9. Click on β€œCertificates (Local Computer)”

    10. Expand β€œPersonal”

    11. Click on β€œCertificates”

    12. Right click on your certificate, click on β€œAll Tasks” and click β€œExport”

    13. In the Export Wizard, click β€œNext”, select β€œNo”, click β€œNext”, select β€œDER”, click β€œNext”

    14. Give it a file name, and save to a secure location, click β€œNext”, click β€œFinish”

    15. Now export the certificate again by right clicking on your certificate, click on β€œAll Tasks” and click β€œExport”

    16. In the Export Wizard, click β€œNext”, select β€œYes”, click β€œNext”, select β€œPersonal Information Exchange”, click β€œNext”

    17. Set a password, select the encryption, click "Next"

  7. Give it a file name, and save to a secure location, click β€œNext”, click β€œFinish”

10. Β  Extract your private key from the pfx file using the OpenSSL tool

  1. For extracting a self signed certificate using OpenSSL tool in Download from Link

  2. open SSL command to get private keyΒ  from .pfx certificate

  3. Open a command prompt, navigate to the location of the pfx file

  4. Run the following command:

openssl pkcs12 -in yourfile.pfx -nocerts -out priv-key.pem -nodes

  1. It will ask for the password you used to export the pfx file

  2. The .pem file will be in the same directoryΒ  you are working in

Option 3:

Another approach is using a Windows Certificate Authority, without creating a template and just creating the key from your certificate mmc. You will sign the certificate and import it so you can export it. The OpenSSL tool will still be used to isolate the private key.Β 

  1. Open the β€œCertificate” mmc

    1. Run: mmc

    2. Click β€œFile”, then β€œAdd/Remove Snap-in”

    3. Double Click β€œCertificates” snap-in

    4. Select β€œMy User account”

    5. Click β€œFinish”

    6. Click β€œOK”

    7. Click on β€œCertificates (Current User)”

    8. Right click on β€œPersonal”, select β€œAll Tasks”, select β€œAdvanced Operations”, click on β€œCreate Custom Request”

    9. Click β€œNext” , select β€œProceed without enrollment policy”, click β€œNext”

    10. Confirm β€œRequest format:” is β€œPKCS #10”, click β€œNext”

    11. Expand β€œDetails” drop down, click on β€œProperties”

    12. Fill out the Friendly name: host.domain.com (or *.domain.com)

    13. Click on the β€œSubject” tab.

    14. Click on β€œType” dropdown and select β€œCommon name”, and fill out as the β€œValue:” to domain.com, click β€œAdd”

    15. Fill out the other β€œTypes” for Organization, Country and State as a minimum

    16. Under β€œAlternative name” select β€œType” β€œDNS” with a β€œValue” of β€œhost.domain.com” (or *.domain.com) and click β€œAdd”

    17. Click on the β€œExtensions” tab, expand the β€œKey usage” section

    18. Click on β€œDigital signature” and click β€œAdd”

    19. Click on β€œKey encipherment” and click β€œAdd”

    20. Expand the β€œExtended Key Usage” section

    21. Click on β€œServer Authentication” and click β€œAdd”

    22. Click on the β€œPrivate Key” tab

    23. Expand the β€œKey options” section and change the key length to β€œ4096” and check β€œMake private key exportable”

    24. Click β€œOK”

    25. Click β€œNext”

    26. Give it a file name, and save to a secure location, select β€œBinary” click β€œNext”, click β€œFinish”

  2. Open the Microsoft Active Directory Certificate Services

  1. Navigate your web browser toΒ  β€œhttp://<servername>/certsrv”

  2. Click on β€œRequest a certificate”

  3. Click on β€œadvanced certificate request”

  4. In the β€œBase-64-encoded” box paste the complete contents of the file you saved β€œCollabOS_Wildcard.txt” be sure to include everything from the header β€œ-----BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE REQUESTβ€”--” through the footer β€œ-----END NEW CERTIFICATE REQUESTβ€”--”

  5. Change the β€œCertificate Template” to β€œCollabOS LNA Certificate”

  6. In the β€œAdditional Attributes” box type any desired SAN attributes, such as β€œsan:dns=dns.name”

  1. Click β€œSubmit”

  2. Click on β€œDownload certificate”

  3. Save to a secure place.

3. Β  Install the Certificate on the local machine

  1. Double click on the certificate that you saved

  2. Click on β€œInstall Certificate”

  3. Click on β€œLocal Machine”

  4. Click β€œNext”

  5. Click β€œPlace all certificates in the following store”

  6. Click β€œBrowse”

  7. Select β€œPersonal” and click β€œOK”

  8. Click β€œNext” and click β€œFinish”

4. Β  Export the Certificate

  1. Run: mmc

  2. Click β€œFile”, then β€œAdd/Remove Snap-in”

  3. Double Click β€œCertificates” snap-in

  4. Select β€œComputer account”

  5. Click β€œNext”

  6. Select β€œLocal computer”

  7. Click β€œFinish”

  8. Click β€œOK”

  9. Click on β€œCertificates (Local Computer)”

  10. Expand β€œPersonal”

  11. Click on β€œCertificates”

  12. Right click on your certificate, click on β€œAll Tasks” and click β€œExport”

  13. In the Export Wizard, click β€œNext”, select β€œNo”, click β€œNext”, select β€œDER”, click β€œNext”

  14. Give it a file name, and save to a secure location, click β€œNext”, click β€œFinish”

  15. Now export the certificate again by right clicking on your certificate, click on β€œAll Tasks” and click β€œExport”

  16. In the Export Wizard, click β€œNext”, select β€œYes”, click β€œNext”, select β€œPersonal Information Exchange”, click β€œNext”

  1. Check the password field and give it a password, Select the Encryption, click β€œNext”

  1. Give it a file name, and save to a secure location, click β€œNext”, click β€œFinish”

5. Β  Extract your private key from the pfx file using the OpenSSL tool

  1. For extracting a self signed certificate using OpenSSL tool in Download from Link

  2. open SSL command to get private keyΒ  from .pfx certificate

  3. Open a command prompt, navigate to the location of the pfx file

  4. Run the following command:

openssl pkcs12 -in yourfile.pfx -nocerts -out priv-key.pem -nodes

  1. It will ask for the password you used to export the pfx file

  2. The .pem file will be in the same directoryΒ  you are working in

Step 3: Uploading the Certificate

  1. In the Local Network Access setup interface, selectΒ  System Settings -> More Settings -> LNA Web Server Certificate

  2. Click upload and select the certificate file and Private Key that you created in the previous section, then click Upload.

  3. The file will be uploaded and then the device will reboot automatically after saving the changes.

  4. You will need to restart the web browser to see the valid certificate.

  5. Note: Uploading an incorrect file can disrupt Local Network Access functionality. To restore Access, you must perform a factory reset on the CollabOS device.

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