4.5 System Settings - Update Channels

Sync offers Update channels to give you even more control over your device updates. Use update channels to lock your deployment versions and test new versions as they roll out. In order to make CollabOS devices managed by Sync receive the latest features, as well as any privacy and security enhancements we make to the platform, review the article about CollabOS Update Policies. 

Create Update Channels

Follow these steps to get started with Update channels.

1. Click on settings and select Update channels.


  • By default all rooms are on the production channel. This is a Logitech maintained channel and will always provide the latest production versions of software for your devices.

  • The beta channel is also maintained by Logitech and will provide the latest beta version of our software for your devices if you wish to test ahead of production.

  • Note: You cannot downgrade devices. Only upgrade devices to beta software you are comfortable with.


2. Create a new channel by clicking the “Add a new channel” button. Give the new channel a name to continue.


3. Once you’ve created a channel, you’ll see all device types set to the production version by default.


4. From here you can click on the “edit” button to change the target version for a particular device. Select which version you want and click publish.


Add Rooms to Channel

Now that you’ve created a channel and defined your versions you can add rooms to your new channel. You can do this a couple of ways.

  • From the Device Settings page, select the group you want to add, then click the ‘update channel’ gear and select the channel you would like. 

  • You can change individual rooms' channels at the room view.


  • You can select one or multiple rooms to change their channel directly from the inventory.

Now that you’ve successfully created a new channel, added device versions, and added rooms to your channel - you’re all set! Whenever you update your devices, they will respect the version you defined in your Update channel. Revisit your channel to update device versions as new versions become available.

Note: For PC based rooms changing an update channel can take up to 24hrs to display correctly on the system if it is not rebooted.


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